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Hello my dear Patron!

Lovely day today on my part of the rock. After a week which had been cloudy and mostly dreary it is like waking up. I wonder if that is how Lin feels in her story. This chapter is titled 'Rock Bottom'. So maybe she is still in it, so to speak.

 There will be another chapter. This one was already getting long and it ended up arriving at a good point to cut it off. Also it is getting on to the end of the week and I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later. I am enjoying where it is going. I want to say with absolute certainty that the next one will be the final chapter.

 Minor spoilers, but I will be leaving this one open to a potential sequel in the future. Not sure if I will be coming back to Robin Wood so soon, since it blew up into quite the story. It will end up being over 60,000 words. That's longer than Hitchhiker's Guide!

 Also, I doubt I came up with this (Is there anything that hasn't been invented or said in these modern times?), but I want to state that I believe I have created a clever and interesting way to describe clit-dicks and clit-cocks. And that is calling them 'clicks' and 'clocks'. It feels like its something clever, its quick and effective, and still gets the message across. Since it is a relatively new term (I think? At least for my writing.) I make sure to preceded its usage with the actual phrase 'clit-cock' or 'clit-dick'. You can only write (or read!) 'clit-dick' so many times before you are muttering about how silly and annoying it looks on the page.

 'Call it a cock!' 'Call it a girl cock!'

 Fair enough. Something I could do. But a girl cock (A gock.) is something slightly different. That is a phrase I would use with feminine futa (Kind of inappropriately, actually.) or for girls who have penises. I would also potentially call it just a cock or a dick, and I think I might have? But I can't recall. I write the word penis and cock so many times in any given story that I am frankly surprised I still have paint on those keys on my keyboard. Hahhaha. Upon inspecting my keyboard to see if there was more finger oil on those keys or not I have resolved to clean my entire keyboard as soon as possible.

 So yeah. clicks and clocks. Ticking and stocking. I was totally going to have a ticking-like-a-clock reference, but I haven't established the lingo enough (Personal preference) to allow myself such frivolous wordplay. Call me a fuddy-duddy if you'd like. I deserve it. Sometimes. But yeah. There are memes and infographics about what is a shemale, a futa, a hermaphrodite, etc. and what is a penis, a girl penis, a clit dick, etc. I will have to find a really good one sometime in the future and have it on hand for maximum appropriate descriptions.

 It isn't a penis because it doesn't cum like a penis. That is why when Lin has an orgasm she squirts. It is clitoral stimulation, albeit a foot-long throbbing hard clit, that causes the orgasms. Making her a squirter is just an excuse I need to allow for a mess to be made each time she cums. Having that visceral physical reaction of actually spraying down your partner with something after the orgasm, sharing that special juice, just feels good.

 In actuality, I wouldn't be too upset if a partner didn't shoot anything into my hair or on my face. Sometimes, its nice, though. its a nice indicator that the job has been completed. I can understand why some guys get discouraged when they ask a woman if she came and they just say yes, panting in the throes of a hard orgasm. There was no party-popper-like celebration of fluids to commemorate the occasion like a male ejaculation.

 Wow, this rant took some turns, didn't it?

 Please read the story!

Ta ta~




One term I'm fond of is dickoris. Just rolls off the tongue. Or on to it, if you're lucky enough.


Very wise. Living up to your name, there. I was going to make a similar comment, but something about it feels like I'd be flying too close to the sun...