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Which today one is.

Hello, dear Patron.

 How do you feel about seasons these days? Not which do you prefer, but like, how do you feel about them? Obviously the seasons are changing and moving and come and going in ways that feel different than they have twenty, ten, or even five years ago.

 'Fool's Spring', 'Second Winter', 'True Spring'. The first time I saw a meme mocking the seasonal changes of a place I had lived for a very long time it made me laugh. Then it gave me pause and forced me to consider the real implications of the joke. This won't turn into a global warming rant, I am just looking out the window at the misty rainy mess of a day that awaits me.

 Today's weather is how I felt yesterday. Recently Mondays have me and Garfield in the same camp more than ever.

 Ah, I am still exhausted from a long weekend. Anyway!

 More Robin Wood coming up. Most likely the last chapter. Maybe I will squeeze one more out for falling action. We shall see.

 Thanks to the folks who responded to the poll. Glad for the open-minded responses. Also, I recently re-wrote my bio on this page. Was getting a little irked by how slutty I sounded before and decided to do something similar, but in a different way. Believe me, I'm really not that thirsty.

 Ta ta~



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