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Hello dear Patron!

(End of rant.)

Just kidding! Like I could allow a rant to end after a mere salutation.

Well, Spring is springing around here in a major way and my allergies are feeling it. I hope beyond hope that nobody has to deal with the itchy eyes and sneezing hell that I have been blessed with. A blessing I'd love to disappear.

Anyway! So this week is looking like a coin toss for me. Personal life and work life are going to be quite busy and I am not sure if I have any time to write, sadly. But I have something very nice that I'd like to share later on this week depending on how things fall.

So if I can't get the next chapter of Robin Wood out by Wednesday or Thursday then look forward to a sneak peek of some new experimental medicine content. Well, new old content. I expanded a scene from one of the most popular chapters of that story and will be including it as part of a new release, the third part of the EM novel, on Amazon. I try to add content and fire up the spiciness and cut back on wordiness all at the same time. I am still tending to add more than cut, but that is slowly changing. I'd like to hope. More than I hope for my allergies to disappear, but that is neck and neck.

But yes. It has been a blast doing some editing and rewriting and polishing on what apparently is one of the most popular parts of the EM book. I understand the appeal and will be trying to (not replicate, but) create similar levels of passion and energy and payoff. Tough to beat getting with a ridiculously hot boss for the first time as you are coming into your own as a budding cum god, but gosh darn it I will try!

So look forward to that, or more Robin Wood if I can get enough down in time. Either way there will be something nice for you in a few days.

Ta ta~



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