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Waking up, the first thing he saw was an unfamiliar ceiling. Getting off the bed, he sat at the edge of the bed and looked around the unfamiliar room. Observing himself, he realized that he was no longer wearing his previous clothing.

He was undountedly confused, he was wearing clothes not his own in a room that he doesn’t recall of. Either he had dementia, or he was kidnapped. Though there was one more reason but that reason was too insane to think of.

Standing up, he stretched his body, hearing a few satisfying pops. he once again observed the room. This time with much more focus.

The room he was in was quite luxurious, at least for him. it was also very spacious, this room he was in was the three times the size of his previous bedroom. There was a bookshelf filled with books which were written in Japanese, the shocking part was that he could understand what was written.

“The breath of nature, the chorus of the whirling wind, dance of the radiant sun.” he read out the names he somehow was able to understand. Was it just him or did the title of the books sound extremely chuuni? Though a small part of him did find them cool.

He was getting of track. He tore of his eyes from the bookshelf and looked at the desk. It was a simple desk, it had pencils, pens and a few notebooks. The only abnormal was the black box that was sitting atop the desk.

He didn’t why but he was compelled to open it. his body somehow knew that opening the box would grant him his answers. So he did, he walked over to the desk and opened the box without hesistation.

Inside the box were two items, a card and a letter. He picked up the letter in hopes of finding what happened.

[sorry for killing you.

Due to the way you died, some memories were erased. If those memeries were with you, you would recall your death. which is not good for your sanity.

Anyway as an apology I have given you two gifts, one is the house that you know stand on and the other is the card which is inside the box. Place the card in your chest and think of something that does not exist. It will activate the card and grant you powers. There was some limitations and some drawbacks, but I eliminated them. so you don’t have to worry. ]


He did not know what to do. he imagined many scenorios, but this was not one of them. he realized.

He placed the note down and picked up the card.

A naked woman kneels by the water with one foot in the water, and other on the land. Above her head a star shines out. In each hand she holds a jug, from one jug she pours a liquid into the water and from the other jug she pours a liquid onto the land. At the corner there was a line of text condensed from the bright radiance of stars: “Sequence 0: Darkness!”

“a tarot card?” as someone who loved interesting things, there was a period of time that he was interested in tarot cards.

Tarot cards are a  form of guidance that uses a deck of 22 cards to gain insight into the past, present, and future. Each card has a unique meaning and interpretation, these cards can  answer questions or provide guidance on various aspects of life. it can provide insight on various topics, including love, career, and personal growth.

Though from his reaserch he did find that tarot cards are not actually predicting the future, rather they provide insight to the present.

Lets take the card in his hand, The Star (XVII) is the number seventeenth of 22 Major Arcana. The Star can represent a beginning or a spark of creativity and self-gratification. Far from being superficial, The Star is all about the power of simple and unadorned happiness.

“wait a minutes?” the star card means a hope for the future and contentment. Did his unidentified killer want him to remain hopeful about the future.

“well I guess I could do that, its not like I remember who I am. I wonder if I had a family.” He accepted it easily, due to him not knowing any personal information about himself it was not difficult for him to accept the current situation.

He held the card in his fingers, and did what was written. He placed the card on his chest and imahined something that does not exist.

He closed his eyes and pictured a star, but instead of it producing light he imagined it producing darkness. A star made of pure darkness.

He heard a sound, like the tinkilings of little bells.

The card in his hand dissolved into mist and seeped into him. opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a floating black screen, written on it, were purpureus colured words.

[Installation of Star(XVII) has been completed.]

[May the darkness conceal all]

[current progress: 0%]

[increase progress to unlock and strengthen the powers of darkness.]

[special quests would also be available some time, they would either increase your progress, or grant you an item]

He hummed in thought. Placing his hands on his chin, he was thinking deeply. From his knowledge this could be considered a variation of the template system. Unlike the template system which gives many diffrenet templates of different charcters that you could power from, this one only gives you one. Or maybe he would get more in the future, but for that he would first have to either bring this progress bar into 100% or he need to fullfill a requirement.

He wondered why the enity didn’t give him a gamer system? Well it doesn’t matter. Now that he found what the card did, it was time to find why he called this house an important gift. Maybe for a normal man, giving a house would be a sign of both status and power but to someone, who from context must have the power to revive the dead, a house should not be worthy of his attention, unless of course this house has some speacila effects.

With that thought in mind, he left the room he was in. when the moment he placed his hand on the door knob the same screen appeared in front of him.

[the door has not been set to any world. say the name of the world that you wish to open to. Though do know that once opened you would need to anywhaere between 3-6 months to connect anoher world.]

So it is a door that connect to any world? no wonder he said that this was comparable to the star card. Though personally he would place this door above the star card, this door is able to connect to any world while the powers from the card are still unknown.

He walked back to the bed and laid down on it. he has no idea what he would do, nor does he have a plan for the future. So he might as well get some sleep. Closing his eyes he felt the realm of dream welcome him.

Dreaming, he remembered his name.

-[scene change]-


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