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Patreon HP: The Deathly Hallows Part 2

Thank you for being a member of Patreon! Enjoy this watch along version of Stef Solari's Reaction. Watch along means the video is not present, you will need to watch with your own copy of the program. Follow the timer and provided subtitles to sync up with your version. Enjoy!


Scott S

Voldemort died for power, Snape died for love and Harry greeted Death with open arms. Dumbledore acting as Death and guiding each on their path.

Eric Owens

I cannot wait to watch this today!

Neville L

Great reaction! Here's a few bits of info regarding some things the movie does not fully elaborate on or explain: With the Gringotts heist, the spell Harry uses on the Goblin is Imperio, one of the three unforgivable curses, which gives you total control over the actions of whoever you cast it on. But you know, desperate times and all that lol. Also, in the novel, the treasure in Bellatrix's vault that multiplies is also cursed to turn scorching hot--ouch. If you look closely, when McGonagall attacks Snape in the great Hall, he deflects her spells at the death eaters behind him, then quickly takes their wands before fleeing. The thing Pius Thicknesse (death eater/minister of magic at the time) suggests Voldemort wait for is the full passing of the hour the Hogwarts defenders were promised to give Harry up. Voldemort was impatient and wanted to get started once he saw the defenses were already going up. There's a certain look on Hermione's face when Harry tells them that Nagini (snake) is the last Horcrux. It's here that she realizes Horcruxes can be living things, and that Harry himself might be one. Lucius was in Azkaban for a year, that's prob partly why he looks different; that place changes you lol, and he's operating solely out of fear by this point. I also don't like that they didn't have Harry say goodbye to Ron. Like they thought it was only okay for Harry to hug his female friend? Totally ridiculous. In the book he doesn't say goodbye to either of them or tell them where he's going, as he knows they'd try to stop him and it would all be too painful. Harry survives the killing curse (for the second time, no less) because when Voldemort created his new body in Goblet of Fire, he consecrated it with Harry's blood; Lily's selfless sacrifice to save her son, which we're told many times summons an ancient, extremely powerful protective magic that saved Harry the first time as a baby, lived on in his blood, and therefore in Voldemort's as well. Harry was tethered to life for as long as Voldemort himself was alive, but the Horcrux was destroyed in the process. Dumbledore knew all of this, so he was not really sending Harry to die, per se; he needed Harry to BELIEVE he was going to die, however, and the reason for this is that, by sacrificing himself to save everyone at Hogwarts so no one else would die for him, Harry summoned the same type of magic that his mother had all those years ago, and from that moment on everyone on the side of good is protected: no other good guys die after this point. Notice Draco went to the side of Voldemort only after his mother summoned him, not his father. The love of a mother is emphasized many times in the series; in fact, Harry was twice saved by a mother's love. Once by his own mom as a baby, and again by Draco's mom. Harry's mercy toward Draco during the fire scene is critical, because he was then able to tell Narcissa that her son was alive, which was all she really cared about, and she then lied to the death eaters about Harry being dead. I love Dumbledore's last line about things being all in your head not meaning they aren't real; taken right from the novel, it feels like J.K. Rowling's way of reminding her readers that even though they were reading a fictional story that was literally taking place in their head, it still matters if it means something to you. Same goes for any stories or really anything that effects you internally and emotionally. Don't be too hard on James Potter, I've seen a lot of people feel this way. Yes he was arrogant and rude at times, but he was also a child then. He matured into an adult, and Lily chose him for a reason. A huge part of the reason James picked on Snape was because Snape was not exactly the angel the films made him out to be. He was a supporter of the dark arts, called Lily a Mudblood while they were at school, joined the death eaters and only defected when they murdered the woman he had always loved. As a teacher he also frequently picked on Neville and plenty of other students, and hated Harry because he was the embodiment of the man who won Lily's heart. But in the end Snape fought for the side of good, which is the point of the message of Snape's (and James's) story: you can always change your ways. Harry, Snape, and Voldemort are something of a symbolic trio: they were all very similar in that they were all abandoned boys who only ever found their true home at Hogwarts, and they are also reflected by the Story of the Three Brothers (Deathly Hallows): Wand Brother (Voldemort) died for power, Stone Brother (Snape) died for love, and Cloak Brother (Harry) bravely "greeted death as an old friend." Glad you enjoyed this wonderful story! I highly recommend the 20th anniversary documentary on HBO, it's exceptionally well done and highly emotional! Also couldn't recommend the books enough, the story plays out in a much more satisfying fashion and gives you answers to all the questions the movies do not address.

Eric Owens

Snape's reveal gets me every time...always. Great reaction. I hope we can all read the books together soon! So many more finite details that really help explain a few things.

Warrior Pitbull

Yes! I've been waiting for this...


Agreed!! I might take the first Harry Potter on my upcoming trip to start it off! 🥹


I am so happy to have gotten to watch this with you!! No matter how many times I watch this series, I cry. Pretty much every time you got remotely teary-eyed during these movies I had to grab a tissue. It sounds like you will be reading the books at some point, that's wonderful to hear! There are so many facets of the story to discover there. I so wish they would have kept some of the deleted or changed scenes in (pt 1 and 2), they really help explain and wrap up a few ends. I will say that while I think the end fight between Harry and Tom is cool to watch here, I prefer the book's version, I miss the monologue.