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Hey Everyone,

Havits Here, I've been going back and forth with Stef today about her computer and there is some good news. Stef is going to be picking up her files today from the repair shop, so I will be uploading independence day and more game of thrones as soon as I receive it from her. Stef's computer is still going to take some more time, it looks like it's a motherboard issue so she will be sending it out to NewEgg since she has a waranty. In the meantime, she has another computer she will be getting today in order to continue recording content while repairs continue. Thank you so much for your patient, and please know we are doing everything we can to make sure we continue delivering the content you all deserve. Stef is excited to get back to it!


Hans Engelen

On a side note, and this is just a suggestion, but maybe Stef should get a halfway decent NAS (i.e. it doesn't have to be expensive). Personally I use QNAP but Synology is often used too. Seems it is a much used way for reactor and editor to exchange files/raw footage. Stef puts the raw footage on the NAS (which is on all the time) and Havits can come pick it up whenever through the file sharing features of the NAS. Aside from that you can make it pretty failure proof with RAID so that even if one of the disks fails it will protect against data loss. Edit: Come to think of it I think if you have 2 NAS devices of the same brand some even allow you to set it up so they sync automatically. But that would mean both of you need one. Then again QNap has QSync which allows the NAS to sync with one or more regular PC's etc.