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The next recording I’ll be working on will be called, “Flash.”

Do you have any guesses on what it will be about?

The person who guesses the closest will win a 30 minute Skype trance with me.

Happy guessing!





It's gotta be about that hit DC hero and the speed force and whatever right? Right?? I'm not a mega nerd I swear


Uhm, something to do with flashing?


A mesmerizing mind control device.


surreptitious public exposure?


Perhaps, flashes of light from a sparkling pendant, or a mesmerizing ring.


Yes Mistress, thank you. "Flash", as in flashing the firmware of a device? Reprogramming the mind -- flashing the mind -- similar to how a device gets reprogrammed with new firmware? And maybe this is along the lines of the Men In Black movies, with the flashing of the Neuralizer?


Very exciting, Magenta! One final additional thought -- similar to the way you flash the numbers during the countdown that quickly appear and then disappear, perhaps the programming flashes on but then quickly disappears from the conscious mind while being retained by the subconscious?

Anya Twerk

I'm looking forward to it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕😻😻😻😻😻

Matt Soukup

I'm guessing the theme is something related to Adobe Flash, since they are about to halt support for it for good. Perhaps something along the lines of malicious coding, since that's why flash isn't used anymore?

Imjusta Bill

I'm thinking maybe something with hypnosis with a flash camera


I am going with a device, that flashes light, to alter our minds. It 'flashes' away our thoughts and wipes us... ready for whatever you put back in its place.