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You asked for a 101 introduction to hypnosis type of file that hypnotizes you!  So here you go! 

I had a LOT of fun with this fun and personally love the old record effect. If you would like a version that doesn't sound like an old record, I'll be happy to post one!




*Content Warning*

This file contains themes of obedience, compliance, indirect & direct suggestions, gaslighting, and a desire to want a one on one session with me. :) You've been warned!



John Doe

Love the gaslighting suggestions! A version without the old record effect would be awesome to add some variety to a long Magenta playlist! :)

Imjusta Bill

Very awesome, short but pretty intense. I didn't find the record effect distracting at all, was just another thing to focus on...which may or may not have been intentional :)

Matt Soukup

This was a great lesson, I definitely would love more!


Fuck wow the static this starts with is already making my mind blank and numb and fuck head drooping fuck fuck comfortable wow relaxed feels so good to hear your words obey need needed deep want your voice stuck in my head fuck fuck fuck taking hold please pelalewsede please float and drift you know something wonderful your voice makes me compliant and docile and whimper and beg and more more more want to obey fuck relax and sleep so deep when I hear your voice fuck fuck fuck drop drop drop drop drop sleeepeeep don't think obey obey over and over crave obeying magenta is normal it's the natural thing please don't wake me up please I wanna stay deep please please please deep thoughts wants toy good toy good toy needs to obey wants to obey so good wonderful beneficial glad listened important learn Thank you so much for this lesson!!! Looking forward to 102 and 201 😍💕💖