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Alex was kind enough to grace us with some AMAZING file ideas... 

Let me know what tickles your fancy:

The hypnotic fortune-teller

You are a fortune-teller. Your technique requires the listener to be in a trance. You can see he has a very happy, mindless and blissful future. As your slave! Haha

Brainwashing Elevator

The listener steps into an Elevator of a tower. A track of your voice sets in to surpass the time because the tower is very high. And while your voice induces a trance, the listener becomes more obedient, more aroused and more devoted to you with every number. 10? 50? 100? 200? Nobody knows how many stories the tower has.

The color magenta

You install a posthypnotic suggestion so that everytime the listener sees something of the color magenta a mantra fills their mind. Something like "I serve and obey Mistress Magenta" and it triggers the craving of listening to your voice again.

Queen of the mind's palace

You put the listener into trance (duh) and they then have to make an oath. You are the new owner of their mind's palace. They have to repeat several oaths to obey you and you own their mind. "I accept Mistress Magenta as the owner of my mind", "Mistress Magenta controls my thoughts" things like that. Then you continue by restructuring the palace. You decorade it with pictures of your eyes, your feet. This reinforces the fascination and makes the listener extremely infatuated with you and your pictures (even more than before :) )

You could also install special rooms in the palace for different purposes. Or close rooms that represent restistance for example. 

I think there is a lot you could do with this if you like it. Maybe a future 60 minute session? :D

Writing yourself into trance

This has to be listened to while writing on a piece of paper. The listener have to write "obey Mistress Magenta" over and over and over. You hypnotize them while they get slower and slower and the can't concentrate on writing anymore at all and what they wrote will be imprinted in their mind completely. Later before you wake them you suggest writing something on the paper. Maybe a confession, or just how much they want to serve you. And maybe send you a picture of that paper afterwards. 

Magenta Airline

The listener won a free flight with a special airline. It's the Magenta Airline. During flight, all passengers will be hypnotized, maybe by headphones they have to put on or by the stewardesses who are your servants already. All passengers will lose all thoughts and become mindless and dumb. So when they land, they are completely airheaded and mindless slaves for you lol



They're very good ideas, I like Elevator, Queen, and Writing in particular. ;)


Magenta airlines so good and the brainwashing one


Airlines and fortune teller sound the best, but they all sound good


Queen of the mind's palace!!


Thank you all :)


They are all good! Personal preference for the palace, colour, fortune teller and airline..


I definately want the colour one


I LOVE the writing idea. Watching yourself lose ability and then having proof afterward of being tranced. Mmmhmm.


Not sure if it's possible for a slave to see a collar around it's neck when not in trance?


I love all of these ideas. The writing one is creative. I enjoy mantras so these are some solid propositions; the color magenta sounds delightful. I look forward to whatever you decide to record next!


It's more like a feeling. It's not that your eyes can see it per se, but that you're mindseys knows it's there, if that makes sense? It's a hallucination.


It does Mistress and thanks for the explanation I would love to have such a hallucination. From the fist time I my ears connected with your voice I moved from my chain to my knees, not that you command me to (that i know of) but ever since that first time and it gets stronger and stronger I know am F*cked and Love it


Brainwash elevator that would be amazing and the second would be magenta Airlines hopefully something that could get around all of us that have a hard time going under.....


Love all these ideas but Magenta Airline is an amazing idea and also The hypnotic fortune teller