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Have you visited the Pattern Palace on Discord? Wellllllll.... You can find me at the Pattern Palace run by the very talented, Mr. Neural Nets!

Check it out!




Don't have discord I'm new to Hypno um was wondering if you could message me, was wondering if you had a completely brainwashing file that could get by my thick head been told I can't be hypnotized would love to be hypnotized by you


Whoever said you cant doesnt know what there talking about. It just takes time and practice and the right person. Just listen to them all and repeat the one that affects you the most. Figure out why it affects and it will help learn to drop. Admitally also a more personal expiernce helps, but the things above should still help. Unless the mistress wishes to correct me, she is the pro after all.


I hope you upload a file soon I miss your voice


I will! And there are so many ways to work around the brain. :) When you say thick head, what do you mean?


I'm having a hard time falling down in to trance it's like my brain doesn't want to into hypnosis so that's why I said thick headed