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New content is on the way! 

I want to take the opportunity not only to thank you all for your support, but to ask you what kind of content you'd like to have me create? Don't be shy; this is a safe space. :)




Can you do some more calm stuff? Not asmr, that would be nice too though. Like, petplay or very soft fdom?


That sounds really nice ^^ Thank you for replying

The Useful Rooster

A post hypnotic command file or and interactive file where you have the listener pose a certain way like kneeling or believe that they are an inanimate object would be cool.


Just delving into some of these files and experimenting for a day or so, but I'm enjoying them greatly. A longer introductory/conditioning file would be lovely, and/or possibly something that plays with fractionalization. Alternatively or additionally, something that plays on some fetishy and abduction fantasy themes? Kidnapping and brainwashing?


I'd have no doubts you could do that. :) Yeah, an audio fantasy/story to be led through while very deep...


I really like post hypnotic oriented things :)