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You can post your game related questions and bug reports for 0.3.7.x here and I will try to answer/fix them whenever I have time.

You can download the current version of the game from my main patreon page:
or from this post:

Bug list:

  • Natasha night vist, animations are not shown, black squares are visible instead --> will be fixed with
  • Several other short animations have the same problem as Natasha's. Black box instead of the animation --> will be fixed with
  • Interacting with a girl at the Doctor's office doesn't work. Focus always goes back to Delizia --> will be fixed with
  • As long as you don't have the new player room, the hacking code icon is hidden below another one --> will be fixed with
  • Hacking the sub dermal implant doesn't work, it doesn't start --> will be fixed with
  • Jennifer lunch/dinner chat options do not work properly --> wasn't planned to include this, will be fixed with or
  • If you try to hug or kiss the bartender (Jennifer or Yumiko) and the affection check fails, the game crashes with a traceback --> will be fixed with
  • In Lacey's pool play scene, there is a wrong image link, leading to the display of a black box --> will be fixed with
  • In Ivy's pose butt sprite in her blue evening outfit, her eyes are looking cross --> will be fixed with
  • Changing the phone background during the secret lab event doesn't work --> will be fixed with
  • In an intimate scene with Yumiko, the player calls her Amy --> will be fixed with
  • Delizia could still be acidentially assigned to reception by accident, leading to displaying a black square --> will be fixed with
  • Crash with KeyError: u'har1' during Yvette's new shower scene --> will be fixed with
  • Desire's message to meet at the pool during her arrival event has been changed to a direct calendar entry --> will be fixed with

How to apply a quick fix file?
Open the folder where you installed Holiday Islands. Then navigate down to the folder named "game". Copy the file there and if asked, onffirm to overwrite the file.



I've gotten used to it, bit this is technically a bug It is: not responding in time to a message, the red mark will never disappear. took a screenshot but don't know how to attach it.


Really liking the latest update. I dont think this is relating to the latest release but cant see it mentioned. Is there a way of triggering Mia's 2 events if your save is more than 3 weeks after the injury at the beach ?

Scott Guy

Something occurred to me the other day to ask and I just remembered it now. I'm still having problems with the game locking up on me and thought maybe it has something to do with the new 2560 resolution? My computer is still 1920 and I don't know how to upgrade it if possible.


The game automatically scales the images to the display or window resolution you're using. So it shouldn't be a problem. The larger images require some more memory, but not that much to cause problems.


I cant start the game whenever i try to lauch i just get this log: Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.13s Early init took 0.01s Loader init took 0.12s Loading error handling took 0.26s Loading script took 14.00s


You probably have a corrupted persistent file in your user data. Navigate to this folder and delete the file named "persistent". You need to enable viewing hidden files to do so. C:\Users\"yourusername"\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Island-1499865023 If you copied the save games from your old game folder to the new one, you also need to delete the file named "persistent" in your holiday island save folder.