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Hello guys and gals,

I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a great start into the year 2023.
The year 2022 hasn't been good to everyone. Although it's more or less the end of the pandemic for the western word, not everyone has been so lucky.

So many things have gone wrong. I hope that I speak for the vast majority when I wish you all good health and peace.
Hopefully 2023 will ge a good year for most of us.

But enough of the brooding.
Sara wishes you a Merry Christmas. Joy even let her use on of her pills for the Christmas day and Sara can't wait to finally catch you alone and let you unwrap all your presents. *winks*

Take care,




Mr. Phoenyxx

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :)


Merry Christmas to everyone, specially to you Darkhound. Favourite game by a mile. And those pills make Sara growing so damn fine 😍