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Hello everyone,

if all goes well, this is probably the last post before the release of 0.3.6.

Since Yvette got a preview for her bikini emotions, I couldn't very well deny Lacey getting it too.

What do we have here?
2 times angry
1 time horny
1 time happy

Can you guess what is what?

Enjoy the preview,



Ted Cogley

going left to right 1st is horny , 2nd angry , 3rd happy, 4th is also angry


2 and 4 are angry, 1 horny, 3 happy.


With the little pinky finger in her mouth is definitely horny.😉

Scott Guy

Again, my profound thanks for this as well. I have to agree with with Ted and pmsrw3. First is definitely horny, 2nd and 4th are angry, and 3rd is happy. If you're going to upgrade all the girls this way, I can honestly say you will have the best looking girls in any game out there (not that you don't already)! Really looking forward to 3.6!

Bill Sherman

I vote for Ivy Bikini Emotions next! :D


Even when she’s mad she’s cute.


I'm really liking all the mood variations being added