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Hello guys and gals,

version 0.2.3 will feature a lot of new functionality that hopefully will make the game more enjoyable.

In case you're wondering, the image above is from Alice's event at the beach where you can spy on her using binoculars.

The last weeks have been super busy for me, so progress hasn't been as fast as I was hoping for. But I still managed to create some great renders and a lot of new cool features.

Let's get started with the list of new stuff

  • The girls can now remember things that happened, in addition to which achievement you did already. So why is this useful?
    Until now, when you e.g. really angered a girl and you talked with her half an hour later, she was all smiles and didn't mention the occurence in any way. This will change now, because the girls will be able to remember when you angered them a lot.
    As a result, they won't talk to you or interact with you for a couple of hours. You can bribe them with a gift to change that, or wait a couple of hours until they have cooled down.
  • In some scenes or events, when in close-up view of her face, the girl will blink her eyes. To make this even cooler, the blink speed and intervall will be random.
  • All interactions like tease, kiss, etc. will get last done at "gameday" information. This will help to have even better girl memory in the future. It will make things like: "Hey, you haven't kissed me for over a week" possible.
  • The girls can send you any free text now, without me having to predefine it first. You won't really see or feel it directly right now, but it will open up new possibilities for more texts.
  • All in game timers get the possibility to add an action when it runs down. The main use will be to send texts, sexts or appointments. This one works in conjunction with the free text option, which will make it even more useful.
  • Here's an example what a combination of the above functions will be able to do:
    Let's say a girl gets really angry with you, but it wasn't really your fault, or she overreachted. Now she can be angry with you for a couple of hours and not talk with you. But after the timer has run down, she could send you a text telling you she's sorry she overreacted, and attach a sexy image, or invite you to dinner, or...
  • The image preview for the achievement app on your phone has been improved, meaning it should be about 50% faster now and the image are no longer blury when you hover the mouse over them.

Enjoy the functionality sneak peak and stay safe!




oh no! the women will be able to remember all the bad things we did!

Ted Cogley

If your doing that you may want to change the percent of the bonus for giving gifts because having to give them 50 gift to get i back down at the cost maybe a little grueling


Hmm hopefully it doesn’t bite me that I usually don’t kiss the girls but just grope them... 😅


Haha, we're not quite there yet. Still a long way to go, but teh anger thing is a start :)

Ted Cogley

Will im just say for how pissed off they get versus the gift you have to give to drop the anger down you can make them100% fast then you can ever go back to 0


The way anger works is not changed at all, the anger value doesn't have anything to do with the functionality.


Sounds like the game is becoming even better. :) Now all I need is Aly to get the dick inside her pussy.. ;)


I'm really loving the improvements you are making for stat tracking to help improve the girls' memory!


Nice update! It's a good tendency to improve the game all the time, making it more fun and enjoyable.


I like these ideas! It should make the game more immersive and don't let player to forget about girls.


I can't wait to try this new fonctionalitys. I.m sure this make the game more funny and sexy to.:-)

Monsieur X

In some scenes or events, when in close-up view of her face, the girl will blink her eyes. To make this even cooler, the blink speed and intervall will be random. Nice. kind like the close up chest breath you added (my fav).


Lookin great! Can't wait!


Looking really awesome! can't wait till the next update =D


You probably want to use "New Gens" for the female. It's avalaibale for Gen3 and Gen8. For the male, use whatever you like.


Cool thanks dude! Alright I gotta ask, but I saw a deviantart user duckswim using your character Heather in renders. Shes always been my favorite character of yours. is there a way to get the character file from you/what do you want for it? I wanna use her in some of my own work once my pc build is finished and would be more than happy to give credit where its due!


Sounds like good additions and the combinations possible are almost endless. Should both make for a more believable experience and also add some ambience over time as it is rolled out :)


If Yvette starts to flutter her eyes at me, then someone needs to come save me, otherwise I'll get stuck there :D