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Hi guys and gals!

Since I'm not really happy with the girls just standing there and waiting for you to be "clicked", I've tried something different.

I think I can make it work, that the girls can interact with the environment, but they are still overlay images and you can click them.

The main downside is the huge amount of renders it will take to make it work.
Fot the pool location alone it would be 6 positions with 3 outfits for 15 girls. That's 270 renders just for this one location. I might get away having just 4 positions for each girl, but it will make the coding much more complicated and there could be situations when not all 6 positions can be used even though there are 6 girls present.

Once the poses are done (e.g. 12 or 18 in total should be enough), it will take about 2 minutes to do one renders. But each one has to be postworked (cropped) in photoshop.

There would also have to be some code changes as well. It wouldn't work well if the girls switch positions every 30 minutes if you let time pass while at the pool. As long as they are present, they should stay in the same spot.

Let me know what you think about the idea and enjoy the image.





I really like the idea, especially if it can help the overcrowding issue. How would the shuffle work in this situation? I like updates where infrastructure is added, but this seems like a lot of work. Is it too much work for too little benefit?


I'd be nice but looks like too much trouble in terms of time. Maybe if you had a little team working on the game, but assuming the workload that would be, i would not put it in high priority.


The image looks great! Girls 7, 8 and 9 could be hanging out IN the pool. ;) If you get the logic worked out for this, it could be applied to new locations. I'm hoping there is a locker room with showers next to the pool.


It would surely improve the realism of the pool. It is your decision whether it's really worth all the work.


I suspect with some clever math, you might be able to bring it down to 2 or 3 positions that a girl could be in, and just make sure that each slot is distributed. More possible slots (like Brianiac suggests) could actually reduce the need for redundant renders. On the other hand, you also may need to account for bonus swimsuits(?) so the number could be even higher.


I support the idea on principle as well. Maybe work on it as a side project then implement with whatever update it coincides with. I wouldn't want to take time away from setting up Jennifer scenes!! Hehe ;)

Ted Cogley

I like it and you should have a option to put sun tan lotion on the girl you wish not be force to do it. that would be a great option


I love it, but as a programmer I completely understand the code complexity that this would create.


I think it's a cool idea, but I'm not in love with front end changes that have very little meaningful gameplay impact for the user either. Just speaking as a patron it's disappointing to wait for an update and then download it and see hundreds of renders used for what is effectively a background image, if that makes sense.


Or you could forget all the swimsuit renders and just have them sunbathing naked....I only suggest because I care about you Dark!! It's not self serving.....ok it is. :)


Have to agree with the others. It looks nice but it will consume to much time. Only speaking for myself but I enjoy the events for every girl more than the contests for example.


If I can make it work with only two spots per girl, I will probably give it a shot. If I expand the number of spots to 7 each girl having possible 2, it might work most of the time. And how often would we really need all 7 spots. Most of the time we probably wouldn't. If I cannot make a girl "fit" in, I will know that in the code and just move her some other place. You (the player) wouldn't even know that the game did that.


Thanks for your comment. But I can either do it or not do it. Low prio stuff never gets done.


Having some of them in the pool would be nice, but it would break the logic. If you click on the girl, you will walk to her and talk with her. She has to be in a common position (on the lounger) to be able to do that in any consistent way without having to create lots of additional logic and renders. E.g. if you play in the pool, she jumps into the water. If you ask her to take the sunbed beside her, it wouldn't make sense if she's in the pool.. and so on.


I absolutely love that idea. Its a great extension for the pool location. Especially if the MC can watch the girls at the pool from the player room's balcony (to me, this appromimately seems to be the point of View the photo above could be taken from). And maybe with an option to use the binoculars, too?


great addition! I love it..... I agree with Dispeace, the contests are boring, because you should let win just two girls to get a "thank you" event.


I love the idea. I think it will add a better feel that you're in a resort.


I really love this. If this works out, will you be doing it to some of the other location? For example, girls actually sitting at/around the bar or maybe dancing. Have some of the equipment in the gym in use. Chicks just laying on the beach or playing in the water. Simple poses which some can be reused for the pool.

Holly R

Love, love, love it...but absolutely understand the mammoth undertaking of such a task. Here's the big danger, though...once the Pool looks so amazing, with the girls lounging in various positions, locations like the beach and the bar and the gym will pale in comparison, so you'll feel the need to update those, too...which ultimately means a TON of work.


Sounds great. Should make for a better story and game, but I don't envy you for all the extra work. Might be something to do as a separate update that you wouldn't have to work on all the time while the rest of the story progresses.


This reminded me of a "binoculars" event too. Especially in the beginning of the game where the women have no love or affection for MC so all he CAN do is stare from a distance.


If you like it then I like it. ... but it needs a shower area. ;)


when is the player going to get a chance to eat some serious pussyyyyyyyyy


Thanks :) You already can say no if the girls ask you to lotion their backs.


I can understand that too. But since the game gets more and more content, I also want to improve the areas where it's still kinda lacking in general. Even if that results in an update without much other stuff. Having the girls just stand around silly in all locations isn't really nice in the long run.


I can completely understand that too. But I try to improve the general game feeling too every now and then. Not just adding new scenes and events. And for me having the girls just stand there and stare at the mc is kinda silly.


It won't stay that way forever. Every girl will get reward events in the end. It will be much more fun to do the contests after once that is done.


Thanks. One thing after the other :D But in general yes, if this works out okay, I will do it for other areas as well.


You will get a shower area at the gym in one of the next updates. It cannot be used apart from one scene to start with. But I have designed the location and it will be reused later on.


I've been thinking about that as well... :) Fortunately I don't have to do it all right away.


Yeah well, that wouldn't reduce the workload or the number of necessary renders :)

Ted Cogley

i like this I think you should have this in general placing the girl out like that. An if you get the putting sun tanning lotion event. They should be the only ones at the pool at the time not have everyone there or have them posing for the to happen and you have the option to do that or not