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Hello my friends!

This post is to provide you with some information on what to expect when the game will get it's next bigger version jump.
I will also provide you with some info on what has changed the last year and what direction the game development will take (or won't take).

Medium term plans, release of 0.2.0 beta:

  • all actions with renders for all the main girls (like hugging, kissing, groping, etc.)
  • night bar drink scene for all the girls
  • at least the basic workout scenes for all the girls and all swimsuits
  • every tier 3 girl will have at least one pool scene , all tier 2 girls at least two and all the tier 1 girls will have all the pool scenes
  • You will be able to visit all the girls in their room and it will show up in the achievements
  • Personal and girl specif "herself" chat lines for all the girls
  • All girls get the "walk on the beach" action
  • All the girls will have at least one sexting message

General stuff to expect in the future (before and after 0.2.0 beta):

  • As you have surely already noticed, the game is still a sandbox style game. But the number of elements (scenes) that are like a visual novel have increased. This will continue with future updates.
  • "All" new images will be at least 1920x1080 in game and are rendered in 2560x1440. They will also use the webp format instead of jpg and png to save space and provide better image quality. Why "all"? There are some areas where due to game mechanics it's not possible to mix jpg and webp images for common stuff like e.g. sexting.
  • Since I have upgraded my PC hardware and will probably do so again in the not far future, you can expect to see more animations and more renders with 2 girls + mc.
  • There is a huge collection of ideas for future versions in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/collection-of-09-22182242
    I will check and consult it from time to time to see if I can add something from the huge pool of ideas.
  • Don't expect new regular island girls any time soon. Although there might be a spot or two for additional special girls.
  • I have some "girl story" ideas in my head since last summer. I will probably start with one and see how you like it. The idea is e.g. that a girl tells a story to another girl and the mc can listen in. The first story is about Yvette and an 18 year old boy she met at the prom. There will be a lot of text compared to the number of renders and the perspective will switch between kinda "thinking about, have it in your mind" and watching the girl tell the story. It's a bit similar to Jennifer's transformation story you'll get with 0.1.4 but with less images.
    So it's gonna be like a little erotic story inside the game, told by a girl accompanied with some renders.
  • Some new things that could work like mini games with some rewards. Don't worry, it's not gonna be the typical "waste your time" mini games to earn cash or similar.
    One idea (not mine actually) is to have a part of an image send to you on your phone. Could be legs, mouth, breasts, whatever and you have to guess who it is. The reward could e.g. be the full image. Not too many to get anoying.
    Another idea is to add some kind of "truth or dare" or "never have I ever" type of mini game or scene. But I need some ideas on how to do/implement that.
  • I'm also thinking about getting rid of some of the talk options and changing the stuff to make it less senseless and repetitive. This is probably one of the weakest and most boring parts of the game right now imo. At the beginning of the game you "have" to do it in order to increase the girl's stats. From a certain point on, you don't do it at all, because there is no reward in whatever form.
  • Another topic (which is huge) is the way the stats system works right now (or doesn't). A lot of stats like love, affection, anger, etc. range from 0 to 100. I'm not so sure any more that it was a good idea to do it like that.
    What I have in mind is to kinda keep the old system in the background, but have e.g. from 0 to 5 hearts for each girl to represent the love level. What is done right now with the love checks, is that they have 5 levels (0,1,2,3,4). In the code, it checks if e.g. love is > 40 to give you a success message for the check. Havig the "hearts" would make the system a lot easier to follow and understand. It would also make it easier to have certain scenes/events, related to a heart level instead of "you need 58 love points" for the scene.
    To make sense, it would require a complete redesign of the stats system. So we could finally have an idea about the reqirements in hearts and whatever is used for affection for a scene to be triggered.
    I would also like to change the way you increase affection and love, since it is quite boring right now. Having to talk and kiss and hug is all nice. But if you e.g. only do it to increase the affection to level 2 or 3 and after that you have to do other things like gifts, spend time with the girl or do something for them. It would allow to make it less linear. E.g. getting 1 heart can be quite fast, but 2 already slower and so on. Right now it's just love points until you have 100 for each girl. And if you're really an ass, you could lose love or affection as well.

Thanks for taking the time to read it all :)
I'm happy for any comments you post. Especially concerning the general stuff.



Holly R

"Personal and girl specif "herself" chat lines for all the girls" - if this means that each girl will get their own specific conversations and stories and dinner chat, then I'll be happy to keep contributing to your patreon!


Consider adding to Medium term goals: all the girls should get a walk on the beach option, all the girls should flash in all outfits, receptionists and doctors get all intimate actions, achievements for 360 lingerie posing when you visit any girl at night, topless poses for all the girls in the tshirt contest, and sun tan lotion on the lounger for all girls. That's a lot, but I think that would plug all the holes in the sandbox. Your own goals for this are really ambitious as is. How far in the future is 2.0?


You made a post earlier about the 0.1.5 beta jump... Does this post mean that after that version we'll have a longer wait to 0.2, but an attendant larger increase in content? Or does this more about a summation of the updates you're intending to make between 0.1.5 and 0.2, more or less?


Hi, I didn't list adding all teh basic stuff very girls of all tiers on purpose. Not all will get everything in the near future. But the walk on the beach is something that doesn't take too long. I will add it for the list of 0.2. I son't have any fixed date for 0.2 beta. Somewhere in 2019 :)


I won't go from 0.1.4 directly to 0.2. It would take far too long to pack all I mentionend above in one version. I don't intent to change the release cycle. It's gonna stay at 4 to 6 weeks for a new major update. There will be a 0.1.5 and probably also 0.1.6 and 0.1.7 before I can really think about getting to 0.2. But nothing is set in stone yet. I'm not really having any fixed plans that far ahead. Somewhere in 2019 we should get to 0.2 - could be in somewhere in summer. But it's just a wild guess right now.

Razlin 1981

It sounds like a lot of work but you seem to have a plan to achieve that goal. Looking forward to seeing it become a reality.


Thanks. I will try to get it done like all the other stuff as well. One step at a time, walking into the right direction :)


I would love to see your old character Carla show up as a lifeguard maybe in the distant future. She was cute :)

Timothy McFadden

Is there a guide or anything out for Island? I know it is a moving target and that's fine but not know lady A needs to be in outfit B to trigger an event throws me off at times


I love the game, and also how forthcoming and engaging you have been with what you're working on, and what the plans are. For me, that makes me want to continue to support a project more than anything. I'm excited to see how everything turns out!


Is the game length 100 days? I think that there is too much content for just a single 100 day playthrough already.


Right now the time is not limited. But I think you should be able to see everything in 100 days without problems. But it depends a lot on your playing style.


I must admit I am not a big fan of the lipstick color selected for Jennifer !


You get some tips/hints from the quests and the archievement app. Apart from that, just keep on playing and most of the stuff will just show up :)