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Hi guys and gals,

I was doing some tests with Daz Studio figuring out some new stuff and relearning some forgotten things. 

Just wanted to share the girl with you that I rendered during my tests.
She is not part of the game.

In case you were wondering... or maybe she looks familiar...
Her body/face is 50% Amy and 50% Yvette. Breast size reduced a little (yes, really).
Skin/Textures are from Carla. Eyes are from Angel.
Hair is just something that looked nice on her :)





Looks great! If the time comes and you do decide to add another girl to the island, I hope you take that freshly drawn character into serious consideration.

Jason Kershner

The combination of beauty you used has worked incredibly well. Wow! Great choice for her hair. I also hope to see more of her, in game or wherever.


Yvette's sister? Maybe Yvette is jealous of her because she is so tall and strong. That's why Yvette is embarassed to not be able to do pull ups.

Jess Man

I know it's not game related but damn hope we get someone who looks like here eventually xD


Once again, you have dropped my jaw. Come on now, my desk is getting all dinged every time you make a post....gotta start taping my jaw in place. Lol


Wow!!! I'm in love

Razlin 1981

Please make her a new addition to the game, or another game.


Bro you can’t do this to us. This is literally the definition of blue balls.


She would be welcome in the Island : )


Could we get a do over on that last vote, I believe one of the things you have forgotten was to include her in the vote :) (A)my A(n)gel Yv(ette) Bit too close to Yvette probably, but perhaps "Anette" could be a nice name for her?


Just to satisfy my curiosity, can you show her without the breasts being reduced? (after the release of the next update, of course)

BRZ driver

very nice. make the breast size bigger and put her in the game.


Very nice! I'd like to see more of her!


i wish she was game related.. very nice.


I adore her; a absolute stunning girl. Thx for your good work :)


I know I'm in the minority, but I like her with the reduced breasts. Actually a tad smaller wouldn't be bad either. I could see her being Jennifer's older sister just back from the Fitness World Championships. Hope she is lazy and takes the elevator. ;)


"not game related"... but could be! XD


Please, put this beauty in the game! She is divinely beautiful.


And what did you learn from this experiment? I love the strong focus on the girl vs the blurry background. It gives more depth and puts the beauty in the right spot.


I learned from Darkhounds experiment that she pulls more in dumbbell curls than me if that is 15kg and not lbs :-P


I say, add some light freckles on her face, upgrade her breasts 'slightly' and we have another perfect contender for the island! Can'get enough of redheads!


I would love to see her in the game :)


Wow! "Amette" is sensational. Hope to see more from her.


what a honey


Haha - It will be some time (if ever) before she joins the Island girls. I have no inmtentions of chaning her breasts. Above all I won't make them any bigger.


Thanks. Would be nice, but I cannot open up another "construction site". I've more than enough half finished stuff as it is.


She's gorgeous! Feel free to add her to the game at any time. Or at the very least, your next game.