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Hi guys and gals,

a few days a ago, I had an idea which I'd like to share and discuss with all of you, my patrons.

What do you think about a scene from the perspective of Joy (or Jennifer). 

The scene takes place in the secret lab facilities of BIOeng Inc. in the time between your first visit with Joy at HI. Inc and your holidays on the island.

There will be all kinds of interesting stuff to learn from that scene. Just look at Jennifer. You notice something?

Feel free to comment on this idea. Even if you hate it ;)

EDIT: In case you were wondering about the changes in Jennifer. Here is a before/after comparison where you can see a little more than in the above picture.

A lot more has changed than just her chest :)





Jen' sure didn't have the bewbs she has now... Implants or more advanced bio-engineering?


Umm...yeah, looks like she got some upgrades' some time after this scene....


Jen is defenitely missing something BIG there, sooo...secret experiments to enhance a girl's attributes? MC is somehow a test subject involved in the project? Me likes : )


It's not just the breasts. Look at her arms and legs. Nothing like the muscle she got now :) Umm I could probably tell you what happened, but I think I keep it a secret a little longer.


Thanks buddy. How about the perspective switch for this one scene? It doesn't work any other way (at least none that I can think of that sounds even remotely plausible) and it might be something different.


I think it's a good idea for the scene from the perspective of Joy I like the idea of getting some back story to the project.


I kind of thought stuff like this was going on based on things like the sub dermal implants and other kind of hints. I agree with Whitesnake that this would be good to fit as something Jen tells the mc or something in like a flashback.


I like where this is going. Body enhancement is going to be great!


Just to make sure, there won't be changes to the girls in their current state. It's a little story how it all started.


I agree with you as well. That#s why I asked all of you. was pretty sure some of you would come up with great ideas :)


You got my vote. Obvious never lose the "sandbox" aspect of HI, but more plot would be interesting.


Thanks for the comment. It will always be a sandbox game. But a little novel type scenes now and then shouldn't hurt :)


I actually like the story from the perspective of Jennifer better. As I understand it, the story revolves around BIOeng and the mystery there--I don't know if its appropriate to have Joy's perspective since she's part of BIOeng. Jennifer is having an experience with BIOeng parallel to that of the MC. I think we need to retain the mystery with Joy. Now, I say this primarily in terms of the narration perspective, but in terms of the visual perspective, I'd like outside shots of both of them, and if I have to see through anybody's eyes, I'd rather see Jennifer's view of Joy.


You sir... Read minds... I've been secretly been wanting this feature. 😂😎👍

Brittany Bovine

I think this is a spectacular feature! I like the backstory kind of explaining how Jennifer came to be. Hopefully it will explain why she was chosen as well! This also opens up explanations for why all the girls look so attractive, maybe they got a free vacation in favor of being part of some experiments? Also, would the blue pill mean that it's related to these experiments? Maybe eventually a permanent "modification? ;) I do think that this scene would work in two ways though. 1. As a drunk flashback as suggested by another person, or 2. as a video recording of the modification. Like have another visit with Joy and after "sexy time," she wanders off for a shower and you find a "mysterious" videotape with Jennifer's name on it, which you take out of concern for her...or something like that.

Mr. Phoenyxx

This absolutely MUST be part of the game. :D


yep sounds like a sweet idea to me sneak out a bit more of the mysterious things goin on an y u really there lol


Love love LOVE THIS IDEA. I would love if we got "before" images of all the girls.


Hell yeah


Thank you for the comment and the suggestions. I think the Jennifer option works better. I cannot really do a video tape scene. And having images with text would be kinda strange for that. I also don't really want to have Joy talking to a camera all the time. Like day 1 of the experiment...


Cool. But there needs to be some kind of story about how we get to see this scene. Maybe everything that happens in the research suite is recorded, and the player somehow hacks into the recording database?

Jess Man

so is this how she got big boobs and muscles in the present or is she being remolded to smaller then being bigger sorry im just slightly confused cuase she looks the same to me in game


First...awesome idea! I also agree with the comments regarding it being from Jennifer's perspective. Second....doesn't Jennifer talk about the tit fights she used to have in the past? This might support that. Besides, I can't figure out how to recreate that tit fight conversation with her anyway! lmao Lastly....what's the cost for ordering this ...uh.....service for my wife?? She's tiny and cute like Joy without the breasts! You have to help me! ;)


That said, I would love to see more of the boss lady. She's a hottie.


Love it! Can't wait to see the whole scene. And I'm definitely up for seeing more of the story behind HI, Inc. and the contest.


I definitely like this story wise. The hints and feeling I've been getting with what you've given us so far is that there is some kind of bio engineering (not really surprising considered Joy's company is called BIOeng) happening. My hypothesis is that the company is using the MC "samples" to create a youth beautification drug or something considering that Joy is 54 but looks like she is only in her 20s. I think this being from Jennifer's perspective is a good way to reveal this information but i personally prefer it to be from a 3rd person perspective so we can see both Joy and Jennifer :P. Maybe this could be revealed to the MC as a continuation of the Jennifer's modelling special event, like maybe the MC asks if Jennifer has ever modeled before and she says she never had the body for it before she got to the island and that could lead to a some branching questions that via the right combination of questions leads to Jennifer telling us about this event.


This is so great! I'm so excited to see this! It can be worked into the story in various ways. Jennifer relates the story as a flashback. Maybe the MC could find an old photo of Jennifer which unlocks the quest of Jennifer's transformation. Then he could hack her or Joy's phone and find a video record of the transformation.


It's a flash back of what was before the Island. She only looks the same in game like she's on the last picture. The other two are before the change.


1000% for, i would like to see Ivy with the same treatment, She-Hulk coming lol


Thanks :) I don't really like the idea about a recording. It would be kinda too one dimensional and there's a lot you cannot do in that scenario. I prefer the idea about Jennifer telling/remembering it and make it visible in that way.


this is awesome :) grate idea!


Love it!!!


I'm afraid she got no special treatment. She got her built all by herself :)


I think I can make it work so that Jennifer "remembers" how it was. Maybe fill in some blanks through Joy talking and explaining things to Jennifer.


At the first glace at the preview image I thought you'd have taken over the idea from your deviantart-story "catfight for boobs" and that poor Jenny would've lost :D As most patrons already gave their input I'll just take this opportunity to talk about the already made points: I concur with mostly everybody in really liking your idea for a story that is focussed around Jennifer and her being modified. As you already talked about, I too think that the story should be made out of Jennys view. It gives tremendous possibilites to have her inner monologue about her feelings as the modification progresses, the pain she might and the pleasures she certainly endures. She might even have a moment were she touches herself in front of a mirror as she cherishes her newly developed body. One thing I feared and which you already denied is that the other girls shouldn't be subject to the modifications by Joy. While I think it's ok to have on character that is kinda artifical, it makes valuing and loving the girls for her awesome body a bit harder when you know it's all fake. Thusly, I'm glad that the others have no such backstory. Would've really diminshed my poor Jessi. The last topic I wanted to adress is the expansion or modification overflow. Alot of webcomics (and I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about) kinda overdo it with the most forms of expansion - be it muscle or breast or butt. But as we already knew the result for Jenny, I'm not actually worried. Just wanted to have it said :)


Fantastic love to see where the science story line is going. I am also for future modifications, (bigger the better) but thats just humble opinion.


Is there going to be a flashback for each girl about how joy recruited them ? :D


Thank s for the comment. It might be that the titfight conversation is a one time thing only. About ordering some upgrades for our loved ones. Who wouldn't :D


You'll get some new insights and images ofc concerning Joy once the event is finished.


Since it's really something Jennifer should not tell, I think getting her drunk is the better option. You will still be able to see both of them even told from Jennifer's perspective.


The part about finding an old photo is a good idea. I probably won't do it exactly like that. But "stumpling" upon somehow in general to get it all started is a great idea.


The event/Flashback won't only focus on her body modifications. It will be one part of it and the "continous thread" that holds her story together. But it will also be about Joy and her motives, the relation between Joy and Jennifer and ofc also about Jennifer as a person. Well, you know me. It will also be sexy and I'm pretty sure I can squeeze in some images where we can see one or both of them naked, maybe "coping" with the stress of the changes in one way or another. Since the whole thing is probably gonna be very long, I try to find a way to splitt it into several parts (maybe about 3), that still works with Jennifer telling it.


NIce to hear the background story will be extended and the scene looks great for sure. The only point, if I'm not mistaken there was a scene where Jennifer talks about she was being used to think she has big boobs before arriving to the island, but she changed her opinion because the large amount of girls with huge chest there. If she was enhanced by BIOeng you'll need to redo that dialog in order to avoid inconsistencies


Hmm.. I don't recall that Jennifer said that. But I've written a lot of text :)


Love the before/after pics of Jen : ) Hope she'll get a good role in the storyline...Jennifer, who started as a background character, with no interaction at all! PS I also hope for more dating content of course, she's really one the best girls you created!


Thanks buddy :) You are not alone concerning Jennifer. A lot of guys/gals seem to like her.


Its a good idea. I'm all for more story in the game, I just hope it isn't too jarring to suddenly not be seeing the game from 'our' POV... Perhaps have some kind of postprocessing effect so that it makes it distinctly a flashback and separate from regular gameplay.


Thanks for your comment. I will decide about the using any special effects once I have created the story and the renders. Not sure it will be necessary.


My first post.... Great work Darkhound, I love the game! Keep on going. Back to the topic: Jennifer & Amy are my favorite girls. I'd love to have a better storyline with Jennifer. So I'm looking forward to see more of her.


This looks amazing. Also gives Jennifer the ability to ask Joy for another upgrade so she can model her own bathing suit without Faye titshaming her.


Thanks for the comment. I'm sorry, but Jennifer won't get any upgrades. I like her the way she is an there are more than enough super busty girls on the island already.


Smaller waist, slightly wider hips, much larger chest, maybe a little taller, muscles and abs are more well defined. I'm in love! LOL!