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Preview Pics from Pre-Ending.

Almost everything from the Pre-Ending is animated with simple talking, sitting, and standing animations.  I found this way of doing things faster, but there's some give and take as the expressions don't always align with the text.  Overall though I feel the animation route is better.  Believe it or not, it's faster than stills once the process is streamlined and efficient.

Here are some of the frames from the conversations in the Pre-Ending.


Let's talk a bit about the time frame here on when 0.94 can be released.  What I hope to accomplish is to complete each ending (writing and posing) within a 2-3-day period.  After working on Grace's endings, I know it is possible to do this if done very efficiently.

I expect the first ending to take a bit longer as I need to plan the whole framework and some renders can be reused in other endings as well.  Now to extrapolate this out.  6 Endings X 2.5-3 days is around 15 days - 18 days.  I expect to work on HRC all weekdays while I'll do some weekends and not others depending on if I need to be away on the weekend.

After Finishing the endings, there is still a compositing and testing phase.  I don't expect this will take very long in this patch as it's relatively straightforward, there aren't multiple paths that can be taken.  While working on 0.93.1 I've also created some algorithms that automate screen selection, image selection, and animation selection between day and night cycles to make this process even more efficient.

I will post a more in-depth timeline as I get closer.  The goal is currently to knock out all 6 endings in the next 15-18 days.


  • Regular intro conversations with Izumi. (Finished)
  • Engineering-based conversations with Izumi. (Finished)
  • Dinner Izumi and her sister Sora. (Finished)
  • Sex Scene with Izumi at the Condo. (Need More Animation Posing)(Rendering)(Finished 4 Animations)(Currently Posing)


  • Ending 1 - Marriage/Pregnant (Currently Writing -- Finished 190 Lines of Text)
  • Ending 2 - Marriage
  • Ending 3 - Broken up
  • Ending 4 - Izumi and Sora
  • Ending 5 - Izumi Domination
  • Ending 6 - Izumi/Grace Domination


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