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It's a been a long time since I've released something and this patch isn't exactly large I know.  I've been just so burnt out I couldn't bring myself to actually work on HRC. 

But after the extended break, I think I'm ready to start working on it again.  But this time no crazy promises and with more realistic release times.  

I've had a lot of time to think about it and I'm going to be releasing one more mini patch (0.82) before 0.9.  It's only to tie together both the Grace path and the Izumi patch into 1 so people don't have to go between saves while also having some different conversations and 1 or 2 different scenes for the chosen path.  

I've already begun the production on this patch, so far about 60 renders, but it's mostly going to be a coding job.  I'm hoping to release this next month, but I'm going to be careful and limit myself to working on it only a couple hours a day and do a bit more on the weekends.

It's been a while, but Merry Christmas everyone.  Hope you all have a good holiday.



Happy Hollidays. Take care.