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I just going to admit, I kind of screwed up.  I think I worked on 0.8 another 100+ hours from my last post due to bad organization, unrealistic expectations, and everything that could go wrong went wrong. 

 I ended up getting super burnt out partially from over working and also I had many IRL road blocks.  I'm still dealing with immigration issues due to COVID-19...

 Psychologically it's hard to describe, but my productivity tanked to almost non-existent, but at the same time I was over-optimistic about when I could finish.  I kept telling myself I would finish this week and then 1 week turned into 2 and then turned into 6 weeks.  It's weird how both burn out and optimism can happen at the same time, but that's what I felt and I haven't really been like that in a really long time.  I guess its better late then never...

I appreciate those that still are here to support me to finish this game.  I do have a knock out ending planned and want to get to that point as well.

Anyways bug fixes for 0.8b coming tomorrow.  Then we'll talk about what I have planned next.



Take it easy I don’t support you with much but I know that you always deliver please look after yourself and your love ones.


man, it's alright, we don't blame you for the delay and unachievable plans, we just want to keep up with the progress, this is what matters. We all know that HRC is a very excellent game, you don't need to prove it to us by setting goals too hard to finish. And if you are in a bad mood and hard labor, let us know, share with us, talk to us, none of us is gonna blame you. we just want to be told with what is going on. stay safe, adjust your mood, everything is gonna be alright, we will be here with you.