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As I said in the last post, the small amounts of Izumi and Olivia content I had planned needs to be delayed for 3 days and will be released with 0.7b.

Renders: 418 stills + 204 lewd animation frames + 1824 story animation frames


  • 1 Ida bedroom scene


  • Ida Past Present Future
  • Ida at the Park 
  • Ida at the Gym
  • Ida at the Dance Studio
  • Biology 2 talent
  • Biology 3 talent
  • Enhancement Pills Talent
  • Grace Shoe Shopping
  • Ida Office Conversations
  • Ida at the Bar



O jogo tem um Problema quando eu ponho o presonagem a trabalhar dá erro e pára o jogo


Im Patreon and the current Version is 0.70a, but at the Overview the current Version is 0.65a. Where can i download Version 0.70a for Patreons ?