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Heya, it's me again! I've been thinking about whether I should add dialogue to my works. There are some pros and cons that I have to factor in.

One thing that could swing my decision  either way is the demand of this kind of feature. This is where I would love your input.

Take my latest post for example. There are versions with and without text. The versions with dialogue are a little taste of what it would look like if I added text to my posts. Feel free to use that as a reference to help with your decisionmaking.


The biggest benefit of adding text is that it can add some more personality and add context to the characters and the story, making posts more coherent.

The drawbacks are, of course, the added workload (keep in mind that I not only need to add the text, I need to come up with the dialogue first, too), but also the fact that it wouldn't leave too much room to the readers imagination, so it might be a little restrictive I guess.


Alternatively, I could provide some dialogue within the post and leave the images untouched. I will only add dialogue where applicable, of course (I won't make Link talk and character card releases won't really need text either).

Now then, I would very appreciate your opinion. Feel free to voice your opinion in the comments too if there is anything you want to suggest.

With that, I'm done with the barrage of posts for today. Thank you all and have a great morning/day/evening/night! ~


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