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A new, highly rare variation of Like-Like was discovered in Hyrule. Like all the other variants of its kind, it makes its home predominantly in caves.

It is likely that this variant evolved from non-elemental Like-Likes, seeing as it doesn't seem to use any elemental powers to attack prey or threats. However, it uses a much more advanced strategy, something that has never been seen before with these creatures. These Like-Likes have evolved to have more tentacles than their predecessors and, unlike them, these ones can extend their tentacles even outside of their bodies, making them highly effective at snatching prey from a larger distance than usual.

One disturbing thing that was discovered is how intelligent this new variant is. Witnesses say that it is able to create perfect imitations of all kinds of things- the most powerful of them are even said to be able to mimic humans. It is still unknown if that is true or how a species could evolve so much so quickly.

This fact made researchers speculate that this is not an ordinary variant of Like-Like and that its evolution has potentially recieved a boost by some external malicious force. Perhaps the Demon King himself may have been involved in the creation of this Like-Like.


Just to add, I started making this before they announced a new Zelda game where Link goes missing. That timing was truly incredible. :p



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