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After a tough first couple of weeks, the new farmer in Pelican Town writes a letter to his family, giving them an insight into the experiences he made. A new place also means a whole lot of new impressions, so it only makes sense that his letter is a bit lengthy.

However, he is facing a problem: He wants to write about the locals, too, but the girls are all monsters, quite literally. The entire town frequently and openly engages in activities that the farmer cannot write about, lest his parents would become seriously concerned about him. Thus, he has to choose his words carefully, making sure that he is truthful while not telling them too much.

This promiscous town is not for the faint of heart and they will only show their true side to you once they have confirmed that you are just as lustful as the other inhabitants. This is a measure the girls have to take in order to protect themselves from people that would rat them out to the local autorities if their true natures were discovered. That is also why everyone living in Pelican Town is so chill about each other, they have a strong sense of community because they all know exactly what they have in common.


I picked up Stardew Valley again lately, can you tell? I actually got this idea while playing, when I was trying to befriend some people. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta take care of my massive, juicy melons.




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