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Hi Pinks, Hope Everyone has a great weekend!

I come to you all to ask that you all keep me in your prayers, as this weekend marks a 16 Year anniversary for Hurrican Katrina, This Sunday on the 29th [same exact day as katrina in 2005 on a sunday and all] Hurricane Ida is hitting new orleans. supposed to be the same as katrina and my boyfriend and our lil pets are staying home. I just ask that yall pray for me and help me get through this time spiritually. 16 years ago I was only 10 years old and experienced something so traumatizing and hard to deal with. I do have family here but as my lifestyle differed about 10 years ago I don't have nearly as much support as someone should. and My boyfriend is way from SC lol so we can't travel there in such a short notice I get paid on the 2nd so things aren't hittin quite nice just yet. This Hurricane was super last minute and I'm Dead not Prepared for it. We do have a lil food and Water bottles from normal monthly usage but thats about it til the 2nd. I'm just super stuck on what to do and where to go. Just Keep me in yall prayers once again my pinks I love Yall ! <3 


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