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Anonymous asked:

Allow me to elaborate WHY your mod is homophobic: You can out someone without their express permission, and then "gossip" about them with others (also the whole "You know he gay right" thing is negative.) To express that a sim is interested in males, they say "admit interest in BOYS" which gives a major pedo vibe. This mod screams "I made this in an attempt to be edgy/cool but failed." Just because you are trans doesn't mean you can't be homophobic to other LGBTQ+ people.

<figure>My Reply:</figure>

lmaoooo i added BOYS because EA doesnt Give the MEN/WOMEN option it doesnt pop up.. All those things are IN REAL life and apart of MY Life lol so i made a MOD for ME ! If its offensive to you scroll pass ! I could care less because im not making it to please you. that's for main purposes . secondly i can not no where near be a homophobic person , I Love my community and IT shows by my part in what i bring to our Game.!!! like wtf is wrong with you ! stop trying to Bring me down because of what you've maybe experienced in life! Leave me alone ! I made my mod FOR MEEEEEEEEE and shared it with everyone as well as my OTHER mods! How about you Make a mod that represents YOU and your group of LGBT friends because im more than sure my mod isnt at risk with my end of LGBTQ+ Friends. . . We call eachother CUNT all the time lmao we Joke towards one another ALLLL The TIME ! The "You know he gay right" is For people who love to create storylines like i do and OUT people who they don't like or out people with their family/friends lol its like that in reall liffeeee !!!! bite me ! Like wtf is wrong with yall harrassing me because of MY Mod that I Made! I'm gonna maek a mod that for HATIN HOES Like you Always worried about somebody else's business! You probably the same person that think Bruce Jenner Should recieve an award for SPORTSWOMEN of the YEAR ! lmaooooooooooo Chile I know who i am and im comfortable with that if you are not !!! THEN that's your problem seriously stop annoying me with this BS! because i quite frankly don't care. PINKWORLD isn't a PLACE FOR EVERYONE ! and If I Offended ANYONE apart of PINKWORLD I Strongly Apologize to you and want you to know i Meant NO HARM or NO HURT towards you!

_Much Love, SeSeSimmi

If I have offended anyone with my Gay Trait/Mod I truly apologize! I never meant and created nor intended to hurt or cause any type of stress or confusion toward any of you!  Being a Woman of trans experience is already hard for me, to be called homophobic for adding my real life experiences to my game and sharing it.. is truly getting to me because i didnt intend for that what-so-ever! 


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