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When Downloading:

  • Please Make a New Folder on your desktop and then name it "Real Mods" or whathaveyou..
  • Move your FULL Mods folder out of your Documents/EA/Sims 4 Folder and Place into the new folder you made on your Desktop!
  • then make  new File inside of your Documents/EA/Sims 4 Folder and Name it Mods [exactly like that]
  • then Place the File Below into the new Mods Folder. open Game test trait. then exit game after you try the trait, delete the new folder you just made and put your "REAL MODS" Folder Back into the Documents/EA/Sims 4 Folder - & ENJOY Simming !!!!!

This Post was made for those who Receive ANY LE's from my Mods or When Downloading from PinkWorld in General. I test before I play with mods and It's a Friendly Simmer's suggestion from your fellow modder! 

Then if You have ANY problems Feel free to INBOX ME or Shoot a Message on Discord @ SeSeSimmi or IG @SeSeSimmi 

Also if you have not downloaded through Origin [Even if you have] Please be sure to keep Your Game Updated! I have received numerous inboxes telling me my Mod is broken and I spend hours trying to figure why it's not working for you but fine for my game, Just to receive a message two days later saying that your game is outdated and not an official download. I work very hard I'm sure we all do ! I want us to all be Happy and feeling Up to Date or Realistic when Playing with our Families. 


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