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Max is considering dealing with some of his problems at work. 


Hello everyone! ~

Since the latest poll has shown that most of you would like to read episodes in advance, I am here bringing you 2 episodes to read in early access! (Next episode in the next post!)

For now it is 2 episodes in advance, and in the next few days I will try to make it so there will be 3 episodes in advance compared to Webtoon. I can't 100% say in which of the following days we'll get up to 3, because tomorrow this episode will be posted, but I will do my best to try and have 2 more up this next week. If not, for sure in April! 

I would talk more about it but I'm a bit exhausted since it's 4 am ^^;;; hehe


Hope you enjoy! ^o ^  



Joseph Thorn

I love the early releases and I'm happy that you're doing them now piece of advice one of the other creators I follow that does early release for the work you did is Google dropbox to help post this stuff just a suggestion but you might want to look into as always fantastic job and cannot wait to see you your next update


Hey Joseph! Thank you for the suggestion! :D I will look into it once I have a bit of free time sometime next week! :D Appreciate the suggestion!


I love her