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SOMA #4-5 (Brand New You, The Abyss)[Patreon]



Wow thank you so much for this journey. I don’t know if this will be a significant comment, but I have a medical brain thing going on. The brain thing keeps me from playing in front of a flashing/moving screen for a long time so I really enjoy watching you play games in parts. I knew the content of SOMA was going to hit hard existentially so I really appreciate you being the guide throughout. Gave me a lot to think about, but in a wonderful way. Also whoever did the rap deserves a Grammy for that breakdown in the end.


Sorry to hear that, and glad you got something of it. The rap was done by ratskewer, and he definitely does deserve an award!


Thanks for playing SOMA, Chris. I genuinely believe this is the best horror game of all time - for the gameplay and the actual scares, and the narrative and topics behind it. It is the only game that gave me real chills and goosebumps by the end, and left me thinking about it long after. Keep it up man! Love ya.