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I just want to take a moment to sincerely thank all of you who have subscribed to this Patreon, either currently or in the past. I started this as a means of enabling me to pursue more series, which don't generate a lot of ad revenue, but which I feel add a lot of fun and variety to the channel. It's because of you that I've been able to maintain constant uploads this year, as well as make crucial upgrades to my workflow, such as an editing laptop which has already saved the day several times - most recently when I was having rendering issues with Subnautica.

Speaking of Subnautica, since the first public upload, there's been a flood of new Patrons (pun kind of intended), so welcome!

As a general reminder, I use your name in the Audiences tab to make the credit roll at the end of videos, but if you'd like to change your display name in these credits, feel free to message me directly!

Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to rewarding you with more early and exclusive content in the very near future!


Marius H.

Im exited to watch more subnautica early!

Capa Cache

Always love to see more content from you, YouTubers who explore such a wide variety of games/media such as yourself are becoming increasingly harder to come by. Especially the ones who keep it as entertaining and enjoyable like you do, on a side note I think Keljoy would look fantastic in a top hat, if only. Keep it up man, and thank you.

Evan Bearne

I’ve never thought of using patreon before, but you just have a really unique channel that I very much enjoy. I see that you post and I’m there like clockwork. Much love from England.