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So page 10 of both Travis and the Fatboys and College Padding are being pushed back to next week.  This week as a thanks to all my patrons and fans I’m going to be doing a special event. ”Back In the Night Kitchen“. I’ll be remaking the old story “In the Night Kitchen“ , however Mickey is older now and married to his husband. He is called back to the night kitchen, and the story itself will be practically the same story; but It’s going to be much more mature with Gay AbDL and Weight gain themes. For this week I will be posting multiple images a day to finish this project by the end of this week. All inks will be posted as they are finished for my early access patreons to see. As the images are finished with color they will be posted here for my patrons to view . once all the pages are done I will be posting all of them to social media but, you will all be able to see these first. I hope you will enjoy this, I wanted to give my patrons and fans a thank you for everything. 



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