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Happy Valentines Day to all our supporters! Hope you're all having a great week so far!

My last couple weeks have been somewhat productive, but not as productive as you or I would probably have wanted it to be. I took a few days off for a short family vacation, and we had a fairly large unexpected life event happen in our family that ate some more into my free time. That being said, I still managed to get a few things done. 

I was able to finish scripting one of our remaining events, and I made a handful of animations for a more professional game trailer I'm trying to have made to help draw more attention and money to AFV. Hoping to get AFV to the point where the game can get full time attention from me. And since this is a supporters only "proof of life",  and you all deserve a little reward for all your support of AFV,  here's my favorite animation that I've created for our upcoming game trailer. 

(The GIF below might take a minute to load)

I know this process of making an update takes longer than it should, and I'm sorry that AFV has to be made by a team of hobby developers. Hopefully the push we give this upcoming update will get us closer to our dream of being able to develop our game and possibly other games full time as well.

I hope the coming weekend is great for you all! Enjoy the long weekend fellow US residents that get President's day off. Thank you all for supporting AFV! 



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