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Happy new year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your parties, friends, family, and in-laws over the last few weeks. I can't believe it's 2024. Come to think of it, I believe I posted the first version of AFV five years ago in January of 2019. Wow! It's crazy to think we've been working on this game for five years! I should make a special wallpaper or something to celebrate! I'd love for you guys to comment below and let me know what kind of image you'd want. I can definitely use some inspiration from time to time.

A five year younger version of myself very naively imagined AFV would take at most two years to put together to completion. Oh, how little did you know, younger self. I do have to add though, that AFV now, is a bigger game content-wise than I thought it would be. I love where the story has evolved and I'm so excited that I still get to work on such a fun project. I'm especially enjoying seeing the progress in my animation skills. 

Anyways, I'm here to confirm your worst fears. I didn't get very much work done on AFV over the holidays. We hosted my in-laws for Christmas, which stresses me the fuck out, and after they left, to my surprise, a couple of my sisters asked if they could come stay with us till New Years,  which I actually really enjoyed since I don't get to see them very much. But, as you can imagine, we played a little too much and there wasn't very much time for anything else. 

That isn't to say that I got nothing done. I did put together four animations and I have them all rendered and put together. They look really nice. 

Unfortunately this is going to set us back a little bit, and top of the extra story elements Strenif and I decided to add to this update, I'm not entirely sure how far this is going to push back the release, but we'll try to do an inventory of what's left and try to give you some kind of date to look forward to us missing.  ; )

Sorry if you're feeling disappointed. I hope the really great writing, images, and animations that are being cranked out right now will make up for us not being as punctual as some, but not most other developers.  As always, I commit that I will do my very best to use my spare time to develop AFV (certain holidays excluded) and I continue to commit to make it the very best quality I'm capable of. I really do love this game, and I'm feeling super lucky that you're all sharing in it with me. I hope you all have a great week and get 2024 off to a really great start! 



We love the game as well...


who cares about 2 or 3 more weaks then planed till the release of the update, as long it is good no one complains. Family comes first on Christmas ;D