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Hey all, sorry about not getting a POL out yesterday. I had a little too much fun on the 4th and paid for it yesterday. Mixing home lit fireworks and alcohol probably aren't the best idea, so I'm pretty grateful I've still got all my digits. 

The work still goes on. I'm happy to report that there are now renders and animations in existence that portray a certain event we've all been looking forward to for a long time, and I love how they turned out. There's still more work to do on this event due to the different variations based on your choices, but the line has now been crossed, and I can't wait for you all to play it! 

For those who didn't see, we had a non binding poll for our higher tier supporters that asked which storyline we should expand next after we're done with the events of 0.08, and the choice was between Camille and Diaz. That poll is now closed. I was surprised that the results were so overwhelmingly in Camille's court. Due to such a strong preference, I will honor the results of the poll and put more effort towards Camille's narrative arc, though Diaz may just get a little attention too.  

As far as I can tell, we're still on course for our August release date, and I'll let you know if there will be any variation to the schedule. 

Thanks to everyone who has ever played or supported AFV in any way. I feel lucky as hell that AFV's become as popular as it is. If you ever get the chance, let others know how much you enjoy the game, or if you don't enjoy it, I guess just keep that to yourself. 🤫😉

If you're not part of our Discord community, your missing out on some great discussion and stuff, I try to answer questions and participate as much as I can. It's the easiest way for me to communicate with anyone who wants to chat with me. Even if you're not a supporter come spend some time in the server. https://discord.gg/3NtSyZv


Mc Byte

Can't wait for the next Update 😁😍


Looking forward to the new update. Love this game and the multiple paths.