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So, I should have made this post yesterday morning, and I've been dreading making it since then. I have decided to retire from game development and there will be no more updates to AFV in the foreseeable future... Just kidding!

And now that you all annoyed by my sadistic sense of humor, but hopefully relieved that I'm not retiring but am just an asshole, the real bad news won't be as painful. The AFV update will not be coming out this weekend. It turns out that I'm terrible at estimating how long it takes to finish things, and just to be completely open and  honest with you, I should have been able to finish, but just didn't. I don't want to make a bunch of excuses, but you all deserve a little bit of an explanation.

My family and I have been going through a rough time, I know that's not very detailed, but suffice it to say, this rough time has been going on for a long while now, and it's taking a bit of a toll on my mental health. This week I kind of just shut down a bit, and it's not the first time. This update has taken a long time for a lot of reasons that I've explained in previous posts, but I haven't really told you all about this element to it. I think I've just been ashamed to admit that I've let personal stuff affect my production. I know that's not fair to all of you who are supporting the game, but there it is. If anyone feels ripped off by this information, let me know, and I'll be happy to issue refunds, and such. Let me try and make it right for you. The last thing I want is for you all to think I'm just stringing you along, because I would never do that.

All that being said, I'm an eternal optimist. I'm excited for the future, and always believe that things will get better. I'm excited for the future of AFV, and I don't want to give the impression that it's going to be another month or something like that. It's dang near complete. I really think I can get in done in a matter of days, and not weeks. 

I really appreciate how positive, kind, and patient you've all been with me. I swear I'm not trying to take advantage of that. I've followed a lot of other game fandoms, and I don't think I've ever come across a group as positive as you all are. I genuinely enjoy interacting with those of you who chat up our groups, and feel like I've made some great friends through this game! I hope you all have a great week, and keep your fingers crossed that I will too! 



I deal with daily depression and former super suicidal.. not sure on your beliefs, but if you believe in something.. keep your head up, or you'll miss all the beautiful things that God puts forth in front of you.. other than that.. weed helps me lol . But whatever you're going through, I'm sure it's only there to help build you stronger

Alan Guerrero

As I told you the last time I had the pleasure of talking to you. "Seek a balance, for you and not for what others expect of you"