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Hope you've all had a great week! Mine's been good, thanks for asking. 

I've actually been in a pretty good mood these last few days, and let me tell you why. I'm working on "The Main Event" between our MC and Jacky.  I've actually been at it for a while longer than a few days, but I wasn't loving the way it was coming out. I was having these mental blocks as I was posing the scenes to be rendered, trying to make them go with the rough script I had written for the event, and just not feeling super excited about what I had. Then, a few days ago, while I was working at my real job, a completely different idea came to me. An idea that I think goes really well with the story so far, has great gameplay elements, and more importantly, that I'm really excited about. I've been posing renders as quickly as I can ever since. 

It's exciting to finally get to this point in the story. It's the moment that everything up until now has been building up to. The moment that our MC has been striving for ever since that fateful night that he first saw Jacky on that pole. And even though that moment will soon be upon us, in no means does it mean we're at the end of AFV. 

I've been asked many times when the story will end, and I never know how to answer that question. I've got so many ideas of ways to expand these story lines for years to come. So many possibilities to be able to continue to grow this world. So, I guess the answer is, when I'm tired of making it, or when all of you are tired of playing it. If we ever get to the point that the story just feels played out, and it seems like I'm just trying to milk the game for all it's worth. Let me know. I'll wrap it up quickly and neatly and stamp the game with a complete label and get working on something new. But as long as the storylines keep feeling fresh and exciting, and you're all looking forward to the next update, I'm perfectly content and happy to keep living in this ever growing world of AFV. 

As always, thank you all for the continued support! For the ideas, the encouragement, for engaging in the comments, the discord channels, for you personal messages, the fan-art, and not at all to be taken lightly, the financial support! This really is the ultimate show of trust and support for a game developer. It's what makes me feel justified in using my spare time to do something I love and enjoy. I know it's the season to give thanks, and I just feel a ton of gratitude for all of you, who've contributed or are contributing to AFV's development! Thank you all so much!! 

I'll be posting some more previews in one week for those of you at the Best Friend + tier level (give or take a day or two for the American Thanksgiving holiday), and I'll give you all some more progress updates in a couple weeks. Have a great week!



hello all, great but were i can find this game ""Proof of Life"".regards

Dool McDool

Surely this is just the end of the beginning?! Maybe, we can start getting to the fun repeatable end-game stuff?? Screwing with contraception, pregnancies, more VIP options, more girls at school etc… I mean, why are we tracking the stats for internal “accidents” with the girls? Tell me it’s all part of the plan!