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Hey supporters! I don't have a whole lot to report except that it's been a productive few weeks. Strenif and I have pounding out the renders and animations and moving ahead with some great content story wise.  I'm really happy with our progress and with the quality of the content that's being created. Strenif has been very helpful and we'll have a lot more content for you with every release with his help.

Sorry this proof of life isn't very wordy. I just don't have much else to report. I hope your all as excited as me for future content of the game. We're getting to the fun point in the story where all the work is starting to pay off. meaning future updates should just keep getting juicier and juicier. So, thank you all for continuing to support the game! Thanks for making it possible for me to do something I love! I really appreciate all of you, and I hope you all have a great week, and a great October. It's one of my favorite months! Oh, and even though this is getting posted after midnight, I started typing it before midnight, so it still counts as the 15th!


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