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Hey supporters, Happy New Year!  I just wanted to let you all know a little more about the state of the next update. Sorry I haven't been communicating well these last few weeks, but the holidays were kind of crazy, and I ended up spending a lot of time with family, and not as much on the update as you would all like, so while I do apologize for that, I felt like I spent my time where it was needed. Having kids can really take up a lot of your time, but having in-laws around will suck up the rest of it.

Anyways, renders are almost done, in fact I think I've only got a handful more, like 15 maybe, and then a few animations, and then all my time will be spent on the script.  I actually do have a decent start, I've got a rough script for most of the events that I need to refine and add code to, then it's off for spellchecking and finally release. 

As always, I'm reluctant to put a date on the release, but it shouldn't be long. The bulk of the work is done, now it's just putting it all together, and making sure it get's along nicely with the existing code. 

I'm excited to show you all how the story is advancing, how my rendering skills are improving in both the stills and the animations. Our BFF"s have been able to see some previews of both, and I think they can vouch for the improvement in quality. 

Thank you all for how much you've supported the game! A toast to the new year! May your trials be less, and your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness walk through your door! Happy 2022!!!


Almir Corrêa

essa cena esta na versão 0.7 ou tenho que baixa me manda o link obrigado.


Is there any way I can keep fucking Megan after the election is won? I only got to creampie her once, but managed to dump like a dozen loads each in Sidney and Lauren. Mandy is probably feeling neglected as well, being the only virgin left in the house. I didn't get to see all of the XXXmas future, but hopefully the MC gets to knock up the whole school (no such thing as ugly girls in AVN's usually).