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I've just released the 0.07extended edition of AFV to our BFF+ tiers for testing.  This extended version creates more opportunities to mess around with Lauren following the exciting events of the original 0.07 release. The update adds 5 scenes to the game, though unless you're save skimming and playing both routes, you will only see 3 of them.  Due to the small nature of the update, the testing phase should be pretty short.  I anticipate this version being available to all Friend + supporters very soon.

I've also been busy working on 0.08.  I've got the renders for the first scene almost set up, but I've spent most of my time re-working the games event/hint system.  It's been a much harder fix than I anticipated, but I think it will make a world of difference to help players through the game... at least, I hope it will. I may release the script to allow our testers an opportunity to try it, and see if we can get some feedback. 

A new morning announcement video is also in the works, and will be ready soon to help announce the new update, and release the results form our latest poll. 

Thank you, to all of you who support the game!  Your contributions of ideas, time, and money, have really helped AFV to be bigger than I imagined it would become.  I still love developing new content... I think the story still has legs to deliver more fun and excitement for while yet. 



Paul Newmon

I really appreciate any HELP you can build in the game. Thank you for the extra time you spend, because it helps me better enjoy playing through.