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There is now a Spanish translation of the game that's available in Spanish.  To download the Spanish script, go to my Discord server and go to the #change-out_your_scripts channel and follow the instructions to install and choose the language of the game.  This script also fixes the ballgag bug, and still leaves you the option to play the game in English.  -- Ahora hay una traducción al español del juego que está disponible en español. Para descargar el script en español, ve a mi servidor de Discord y ve al canal #change-out-your-scripts y sigue las instrucciones para instalar y elegir el idioma del juego. Este script también corrige el error ballgag y aún te deja la opción de jugar en inglés.



what is with a german translate


The Spanish translation was put together by Darax, an experienced renpy coder and translator. If there are other translators out there who are capable of translating a renpy game using the same method as Darax, Please contact me. The more languages the better!