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I'm putting the credits together for this release and It includes all of the BFF+'s that donated between the last alpha until this alpha.  I need to know if any of you that qualify would like to use a different name in the credits than the name that is given on your patreon account.  Also, after the official release comes out, and if your name is missing from the credits and it should be there, let me know and I'll fix it.

Also, just an update... I think we're about done fixing the bugs our testers found in the Alpha, and now we're just finishing up the in game gallery, the credits page,  and a couple other little things. The official release will be out very soon!

Thanks to all supporters, both current and past, who have helped keep this project going!  I love making this game, so I'm heavily in your debt for supporting this project!


Sergo Nikopulus

I's wondering whether you have a plan to make Camilla a completely submissive maid for the main hero? if yes, do you have any clue when it can be realized?

Cs In SC

Loving the game.!