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Hi everyone! March is here and I want to give you all an update my progress as well as what to expect in the upcoming release.

First up. Here is my current status on .07

I want to thank you all for your patience. It's been awhile since Ryan's last adventure and I know you all have been eager to see what our hero will get up to next.

Some good news, .07 is going to have roughly the same amount of content as .06 did so you'll have a lot to play once it's ready to release.

I've been hard at work finishing up the renders and animations for my last two events and on finishing up the script before sending them to our editor lapdragon to review and am very excited to show you all.

I don't want to make the mistake I made last time and commit to a release date but I want to keep you all in the loop on how things are going. 

Once I've finished up the script I will send it over to lapdragon to edit and review. Once he's got the scripts you can blame him for any and all delays 

But really, lapdragon had been a massive help with editing my writing and turning them from scribbles into the polished work you've all been enjoying.

I'll also be trying to do a better job of keeping you all in the loop as to what's going on with production of the game.  Strenif has offered to help keep my focus in this area, and help put together some great communiqué's, such as this one. 

If you swing by our discord, Make sure you thank Strenif and Lapdragon for all their hard work on this. It really is a massive help.

Moving on. Here's what you can look forward to in .07

The 0.07 release of A Family Venture will focus on Lauren and the up coming school counsel elections.

That's right! While Ryan has been busy dealing with the mob Lauren has decided to get into politics!

What could go wrong with that combination of skill sets?

To get elected school president she's going to need to ask for help from her closest friends.... and maybe Ryan.

 It's not going to be easy but Lauren won't settle for anything less that than getting to the top of the student body. And if Ryan wants to get on top of Lauren's body, he'll need to help her out.

In this release you'll also see the return of a few characters you may have seen around town before but haven't gotten to know yet.

A sexy teacher

Jacky's unpredictable niece and the worlds greatest bestie. or so Lauren says.

Along with some new faces that  will start showing up around school.

Your feedback has been great and I can't wait to see what you have to say about this new release.

Please swing by discord and say hello!



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