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Well, the three month self-imposed deadline for an AFV release passed a couple days ago, and unfortunately I'm not quite there yet.  But I am still working very hard and giving every moment of free time I have to the game.  Still no word from D.S.-Sama, so I'm developing everything on my own.  It's one of those "you don't know what you've got till it's gone" situations.  We miss you DS and we hope you're safe and well!

My goal to finish the update, is end of June beginning of July.  I know that's kind of vague, but for right now, it is what it is.

I'm super excited about the story for this update.  I think there's some really fun events, and they really push the story forward.  The renders and animations are turning out really great, and I've even been experimenting on making some of my animations longer, using different methods to decrease the rendering time since my hardware is far from top of the line.

Anyways, I just want you all to know I'm working really hard, we're getting closer, and in my opinion, the product will be my best yet. 

Thank you all for the support!  I know it's a lot to ask you to wait longer than three months for an update, so I really appreciate your patience and kind words of encouragement.

Best Friends will get a couple preview images today and BFF's will get to participate in game poll, so make sure you look for those posts.

Stay safe and healthy!




Any idea when next update is coming?