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Well.... This next 0.06 update was off to a bit of a slow start, with all the changes in my schedule, working conditions, etc, but now I've worked out a new routine, and I'm back to working at full speed, that is, as full speed as one can go with a full time job and family.  I've finished rendering quite a few scenes actually.  I'm surprised at how much I've gotten done considering the situation.  I've written a lot on the game, and I want to squeeze it all into this update.  At any rate, I'll squeeze in as much as time allows.  

I just finished up rendering the scene I've been working on for over a week, just this morning.  Now, I finally get to render the special Sidney scene!  I'm really excited to work on this one.  It's going to be the best scene in the whole game up to this point, both in terms of quality and story!

I hope all is well with all of you.  Thanks to all of my supporters, and to those of you who keep in touch and encourage me with kind words and great ideas.  We've got a pretty good conversation going on our Discord, and I encourage anyone who would like to, to feel free to join us.

Stay healthy, stay safe, keep on perv-gaming!



Can hardly wait for update.Left a couple suggestions on Discord chat.