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Just wanted to give you all a sign of life and progress.  It might seem like I've been spending all my time trying to get all the bugs out of 0.04, but I wanted you all to know that I've been running renders for 0.05 ever since I posted the first version of 0.04.  So it's coming along already.  

I'm excited for the content of 0.05.  I think 0.04 set up the story for some fun events in the next build.  I'm also going to be placing some repeatable filler events in the next build to help make the day to day feel less grindy.  

I feel pretty confident that our next build will have far fewer bugs.  There were a few things D.S. and I were doing that made it hard to collaborate on the work we'd been doing separately, and then when it came together, there were some problems.  Moving ahead we will be doing things a bit differently, and there will be much more testing on our end before a beta version is even released.

Thank you all for supporting AFV!  We've set the story pretty good at this point, and now the good stuff can start happening.  I think you'll all love the content coming out in the next updates!  As always, contact me with any questions, concerns, or critiques. 

Best Friends and above check the newest posts or the Discord Best Friend channel for the latest preview image ;)