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Alright fans!  Try this one out  I'm really hoping it takes care of the bugs!

Thank D.S.-Sama on the Discord for me for figuring them all out.

PC Version:  

Mac Version: 




I am enjoying the game. A few things I noticed that may or may not have been brought to your attention. Cosplay photos of Sidney do not show up on the computer website, just the first two girls in the original costume. Sidney agreed to make new Cosplay outfit for Lauren after the dragon breeder outfit, but so far nothing has shown up. In bed with Sidney the MC has two options, one to wake Megan up to talk. When clicked, he decides not to, then after several nights, that option disappears and the option to wake up when being given a handjob replaces it. Anyway, keep up the good work. You got my support.


Thanks for the report Selek. We are aware of most of these bugs, and are coming out with a fix maybe today. The last one you mentioned is new though, I've never seen that happen, so I'll look into it and if I find anything, hopefully I can get it into the fix that's coming out. Thank you for becoming a supporter!