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Oh man.....I'm getting excited to release 0.04!  There's a lot of good stuff in this one.  Not just the new content, but the improvements to the existing game are going to make game play so much better.  I kind of detailed all those changes in the last post though, but I've been testing the new navigation, and I love it!  I'm really really trying to get it all ready before the end of the month, and so far we're looking like we're on track for that.  

For our BFF tiers and above, be ready to help us test the new build, our beta version for you will be going live very soon.

Thanks always to my supporters!  I think this update will make you all happy! 



Sorry, sometimes when I’m super busy with the update I don’t communicate very well. At this time it’s all done except for the patches, and DS is working on those right now. He’s also looking for bugs I might have missed, as soon as he’s done we’ll release the beta.


DS is usually pretty quick, so it could be any time.