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Sorry I'm a day late on this update.  I'm feeling pretty under the weather this weekend, and yes, a simple thing like sitting at my computer to make a progress update has seemed like a huge chore to me.  But the work still moves on,  I'm getting pretty close to having all of the renders complete, and then the work will be completely focused on scripting and coding, and most of the scripting is even done, I usually work on that at the same time as the renders.

I think you'll like the update, I feel like my story writing is getting better, and I know my renders are getting better, or maybe it's just that I'm getting faster at putting them together.  But I have been learning a lot of little things as I continue to use Daz that I think are continuing to improve the quality of this game.  I've even started experimenting with animation, but man my computer locks up when I try to much with that,  For now it's just a pipe dream for when I have a better computer.  I think one day I'll go back and actually animate all of the scenes that I've used the cheep trick of the scenes fading into each other quickly.

I want to thank everyone who continues to support me.  I hope you will feel justified with your financial form of trust as this game moves forward.  I'm devoting as much as I can to this game, and not just for you, but for me too.  This has become a project I am very passionate about, and one that sometimes I might make a fool of myself defending on certain forums.  I feel pretty secure in myself that I'm staying within the moral guidelines of Patreon, even though I find myself having to defend my game to them more frequently than I would like to, but it seems to be working, the page is still up and things are still moving forward.  This post is getting too long, I have a problem with unloading my thoughts in my posts, so I'm sorry for that.

I hope you all have a great week!



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